Perform a keyword search

You can use keyword searches to refine your searches, where available in the promptA report element that asks for prompt values on which to filter or sort a report. pages of reports.

You can perform keyword searches field groups such as:

  • Item

  • Customer

  • Account

  • Supplier

To use the keyword search for a reportA set of data deliberately laid out to communicate business information. Depending on the context, 'report' may refer to report specification or report output. Report (more precisely, report specification) is the generic term for the objects created or edited in Cognos Analytics. Pronto Xi Business Intelligence offers a suite of standard reports., first run a search on your keywords, select the results you want, and then move them across into the report.

  1. From a prompt screen, click Search.

    The Keyword Search screen is displayed.

  2. Enter one or more keywords, separated by spaces into the Keywords field.

  3. For more search options, click Options to view the advanced search options:

    • Starts with any of these keywords

      Each result must start with any one of the entered keywords.

    • Starts with the first keyword and contains all of the remaining entered keywords

      Each result must start with any one of the entered keywords and also contain all of the remaining keywords.

    • Contains any of these keywords

      Each result item can contain one, some, or all entered keywords.

    • Contains all of these keywords

      Each result item must contain all of the entered keywords.

    You can clear Case insensitive if you need to specifically match all upper and lower case search characters in the search, however this is not usually required with Pronto Xi data.

  4. Click Search when finished.

    The results are displayed in the Results list and you can now move the results into a report.