INV07 — Stocktake Variation & Valuation

Operational Reports > Inventory

Who would use this report?

Warehouse and finance staff

What is in this report?

inv07Stocktake variances items by freeze or current cost, including optional uncounted items value.

How do I use it?

FiltersSelectively remove data from view. include:

  • Control Code — (mandatory) select a stocktake control code

  • Warehouse — select one ore more warehouses

  • Treat Uncounted Items as Variance — determine whether or not to treat any items that have uncounted items as a variance

    That is, if any item includes zero uncounted, are they treated as a variance?

  • Cost to Use — select the cost to use as either the freeze cost or the current cost

What can I do in the report?

Right-click any of the drill-down links and select Open link in new tab to viewA set of data connected to a cube, deliberately laid out to communicate business information. the data in Pronto Xi.