Operational report catalog

The green shading in the following tables denotes new reports in the current release; yellow denotes superseded reports.

Accounts Payable
Report name Description Released Super- seded

AP02 — Aged Trial Balance

ap02Accounts payable values in historical ageing buckets by invoice date or due date, including retrospective.

Recalculates ageing from transaction levelIn a hierarchy, a level indicates a group of common or related members. For example, in a Time level, members may include Year, Month, Day or Fiscal Year, Calendar Year, etc. dates.



AP02b — Aged Trial Balance by Transaction Date

ap02bAccounts payable values in historical ageing buckets by transaction date only.

Works from ageing codes already applied to transactions, not dates.


AP06 by 730.3

AP03 — Transactions by Supplier

ap03Selected transactions by supplier and transaction date, for reconciliation, investigation, and data verification. Includes foreign currency amounts, where mirrored currency is implemented.



AP04 — Payment Commitments by Supplier

ap04Forecast of future payable amounts based upon due date in selectable buckets, to assist cash flow forecasting.



AP05 — Foreign Currency Exposure

ap05Details of foreign currency owed, by supplier and invoice.



AP06 — Current Period Aged Trial Balance

ap06Accounts payable values in historical ageing buckets.


Accounts Receivable
Report name Description Released Super- seded

AR02— Aged Trial Balance

ar02Accounts receivable values in historical ageing buckets by invoice date or due date, including retrospective.

Recalculates ageing from transaction level dates.



AR02b — Aged Trial Balance by Transaction Date

ar02bAccounts receivable values in historical ageing buckets by transaction date only.

Works from ageing codes already applied to transactions, not dates.


AR04 by 730.3

AR03 — Customer Transactions

ar03Selected transactions by customer and transaction date, for reconciliation, investigation, and data verification. Includes foreign currency amounts, where mirrored currency is implemented.



AR04 — Current Period Aged Trial Balance

ar04Accounts receivable values in historical ageing buckets.


Advanced Forecasting
Report name Description Released Super- seded

AF01— Advanced Forecasting By Territory

Embedded reportA set of data deliberately laid out to communicate business information. Depending on the context, 'report' may refer to report specification or report output. Report (more precisely, report specification) is the generic term for the objects created or edited in Cognos Analytics. Pronto Xi Business Intelligence offers a suite of standard reports. used by Pronto Xi — not designed to run directly.



AF02— Advanced Forecasting By Warehouse

Embedded report used by Pronto Xi — not designed to run directly.



AF03— Advanced Forecasting

Embedded report used by Pronto Xi — not designed to run directly.


Report name Description Released Super- seded

CRM02 — Campaign Statistics

crm02Analyses campaign financial effectiveness at summary level for specific campaigns or selected campaign types within a selected time frame.



CRM03 — Campaign Transaction Statistics

crm03Analyses campaign activities including quotes Issued, outgoing calls, mailouts and sales made.

Select time frames based on campaign dates and transaction dates.



CRM04 — Leads by Rep

crm04Detailed list of leads entered, lost, or won for selected reps and lead sources, sorted by stage within rep.



CRM05 —Opportunities by Rep

crm05Detailed list of opportunities entered, lost, or won for selected reps and lead sources, sorted by stage within rep.


Fixed Assets
Report name Description Released Super- seded

FA02 — Acquisition

fa02Values of assets for selected acquisition date ranges.

Used for reconciliation.



FA03 — Activity

fa03Movements in value for any asset transacted between the selected dates.

Use for reconciliation to General Ledger accounts.



FA04 — Disposal

fa04Values of disposed assets by selected acquisition and disposal date ranges, including capital gain or loss on disposal.



FA05 — Reconciliation

fa05Reconciliation of fixed assets to the General Ledger at selected General Ledger period.

Available in detailed or summary list viewA set of data connected to a cube, deliberately laid out to communicate business information..



FA06 — Fixed Assets Transactions

fa06Selected transactions by asset and transaction date, for reconciliation, investigation, and data verification.


General Ledger
Report name Description Released Super- seded

GL02 — Balance Sheet

gl02Standard balance sheet based on hierarchyIn Analytics Dashboards, regular dimensions contain descriptive and business key information and this information is organised into a hierarchy; from it's highest level of granularity, to its lowest. The hierarchy contains multiple levels. For example, a hierarchy that has three levels such as "All Products", "Product Group", and "Products". 99.


730.0 by GL02_2

GL03 — Profit and Loss

gl03Standard profit and loss statement based on hierarchy 99.


730.0 by GL03_2

GL02_2 — Statement of Financial Position

gl02_2Standard balance sheet based on GL Hierarchy 100, including MTD and YTD values for accounts that have values.



GL03_2 — Statement of Financial Performance

gl03_2Standard profit and loss statement on GL Hierarchy 100, including MTD and YTD values for accounts that have values.



GL04 — Trial Balance

gl04General Ledger accounts and balances as at selected year and period, with option to include opening balances and movements.



GL05 — Transactions

gl05Selected transactions by General Ledger account or transaction reference, for a selected date range.

Used for auditing and reconciliation purposes.



GL06 — Expense Analysis

gl06Postings summary to General Ledger codes that are M, T, X, or D types.

Report output is grouped by General Ledger account for reconciliation purposes.



GL07 — Expense Analysis— Detail

gl07Postings to General Ledger codes that are M, T, X, or D types.

Report output is grouped by General Ledger account for reconciliation.

Hyperlinks are provided back to the General Ledger account and the General Ledger batch.



GL08 — Projected Cash Flow

gl08Expected cash flow, based upon inputs from Pronto Xi in a weekly or daily view.



GL09 — Account Movement Analysis

gl09Period movement for selected chart segment.

Compares selected month with prior month or average of previous 12 months based on a selected percentage variance.




gl10Value of goods received not invoiced. Based on General Ledger transactions posted to special accounts SPPNP and SPPSP (Purchase Provisions) for a selected General Ledger period.



GL12 — Statement of Cashflows

gl12Standard cashflow statement based on standard GL Hierarchy 101 for a selected company.


Report name Description Released Super- seded

INV02 — Stock Status

inv02Selected SKUs, including warehouse balances, orders, and availability.

Provides drillthrough to detailed SKU report by purchase order or sales order.



INV03 — Item Transactions

inv03Selected transactions sorted by item, warehouse or batch reference within selected date range, for reconciliation, investigation, and data verification.



INV04 — Valuation

inv04Stock holding value report, by item code, product groupIn security, a list of users or other groups that can be used to assign access permissions and capabilities. Groups can be referenced from other authentication sources or can be local to Pronto Xi Business Intelligence. Local groups are managed from BI Administration. The list of groups that an authentication user is a member of is part of the user's passport for an Pronto Xi Business Intelligence session. In reporting, grouping is the action of organising common values of query item together and only displaying the value once. Headers and footers often appear after each instance of a common value in a grouped column, warehouse or ABC class, value based on current on hand or EOM on hand.

Available in a detailed or summary view.



INV05 — On Hand by Style Colour Size

inv05Quantity on hand, quantity on order and current sales order quantity by product group, warehouse, style, style colour in the rows, and by size on the columns of a crosstab.



INV06 — Stocktake Uncounted Items

inv06Warehouse items that have yet to be counted for a stocktake that isn’t updated.



INV07 — Stocktake Variation & Valuation

inv07Stocktake variances items by freeze or current cost, including optional uncounted items value.


Maintenance Management
Report name Description Released Super- seded

MAINT02 — Plant Items by Cost

maint02Plant items in selected branches and cost centres including income, downtime, usage, and costs.



MAINT03 — Monitor Points Status

maint03The status of plant item monitor points, by plant item, plant item type, status colour, monitor point, and monitor input type, to ensure all data is up-to-date and highlight when maintenance work is due.



MAINT04 — Outstanding Pick Slips for Work Orders

maint04Outstanding (open) pick slips for completed work orders, by warehouse and work centre, responsibility, work type, reference, and status, which helps ensure that all outstanding material orders are completed before closing out work orders.


Report name Description Released Super- seded

MAN02 — Availability/Shortage

man02Components for selected work order ranges, showing current stock availability and shortage quantities.



MAN03 — MRP Exceptions

man03Exceptions by exception type for selected factory warehouse.

Options to filterSelectively remove data from view. by exception type and date ranges including order date, due date and exception date.



MAN04 — Work Centre Scheduling

man04Work orders assigned to all work centres associated with selected factory warehouse(s), shown in crosstab view.

Columns display quantity processed and hours available within time periods.



MAN05 — Work Order Production Costing

man05Summary of material, labour, and overhead cost buckets for a selected range of work orders and date ranges.



MAN06 — Work Order Status

man06Summary of work order status by selected date range, including quantities ordered, completed, and required, plus expected start and finish dates.


Report name Description Released Super- seded

PAY02 — PAYG Payable

pay02Statutory report for BAS reporting of wages and PAYG.



PAY03 — PAYG Reconciliation

pay03Reconciled payment summaries before issue to employees and to the ATO. Also displays YTD earnings by pay code type.



PAY04 — Leave Liability

pay04Leave hours and values by payroll and or employee.



PAY05 — Payroll Tax

pay05Reconciled payroll tax by payroll number, category, and state for a selected range of dates.



PAY06 — Superannuation

pay06Reconciled superannuation payments, either by fund (remittance) or by payroll number for a selected range of dates.



PAY07 — Employee Listing

pay07Employee master data detail report.



PAY08 — Employee Years of Service

pay08Employees' years of service report, to aid assessment of long service leave (LSL) liability.



PAY09 — Costs Analysis by Category Code Summary

pay09Cost distribution across the business, by labour cost category codes, by period.

Presented in a summary crosstab style view.



PAY10 — Costs Analysis by Category Code Detail

pay10Cost distribution of costs across the business, by labour cost category codes, by period.

Presented in a detailed list view.



PAY11 — Overtime Analysis Summary

pay11Overtime hours and costs by labour category code for any year and period.

Presented in a summary crosstab view.



PAY12 — Overtime Analysis Detail

pay12Overtime hours and costs by labour category code for any year and period.

Presented in detailed list view.



PAY13 — Transaction by Pay Code Summary

pay13Values by pay codes, for example monthly deductions for child support, or analysisA process where a user interacts with data to gain insight and understanding. of overtime pay codes.

Displayed as a summary crosstab analysis.



PAY14 — Transaction by Pay Code Detail

pay14Values by pay codes, for example monthly deductions for child support, or analysis of overtime pay codes.


Report name Description Released Super- seded

PROJ02 — Parent Project Summary

proj02Project summary by branch.


730.0 by PROJ05 and PROJ07

PROJ03 — Project Detail

proj03Project details by branch.


730.0 by PROJ06

PROJ04 — Transactions by Branch

proj04Project transactions by branch.


730.0 by PROJ09

PROJ05 — Project Executive Summary

proj05Key projectIn Framework Manager, a set of models, packages, and related information for administration, and for sharing model information.In Metric Studio, a project is a task or set of tasks undertaken by a team and monitored on a scorecard. A project tracks the dates, resources and status of the project.In Metric Designer, a project is a group of extracts. Each extract contains the metadata that is used to populate the Metric Studio data store or to create applications. data, aggregated by selected project, parentA member of a hierarchy to which the child members belong. The “Parent” function is part of the family set of functions and returns the parent member of the specified member. For example: SELECT Parent( [Time].[Year].[Period].[July 2010] ) ON Rows FROM [General Ledger] Result: 2010 (the year 2010 is the parent of [July 2010]) project, branch, project manager, or customer within a selected timeframe.

Allows drillthrough to Pronto Xi Project enquiry and transaction detail reports.



PROJ06 — Project Performance

proj06Actuals against budget for income and cost, including margin $ and margin %.

Flexible sortArrange elements of a list in a certain order. The most-used orders are numerical order and lexicographical order. options and further filtering available by cost category, and cost category type.

Traffic lights provide a graphical representation of margin % achieved against budgeted margin and the userA person accessing a Pronto Xi Business Intelligence application.-defined traffic light warning zone.



PROJ07 — Project Summary

proj07Aggregations by cost category and cost category type. It includes a wide choice of date-based options and data content.

Date selections act on two levels:

  • filter projects using on any of the five date types (for example, project start date)

  • filter transaction activities based on selected period



PROJ08 — Project Monthly Analysis

proj08Actual and budget to cost category type and cost category levels.

Values are broken down by month, according to a selected range of months, and presented in crosstab format for easy period comparison.



PROJ09 — Project Transactions

proj09Transactional details, flexibly presented, to assist auditing and reconciliation of high level project values.



PROJ10 — Project WIP Reconciliation

proj10Project transactions posted to General Ledger WIP accounts to assist reconciliation of high level WIP values.



PROJ11 — Project Variations

proj11Detail of variations logged against projects.



PROJ12 — Labour Utilisation

proj12Comparison of entered timesheets to expected worked hours, and returns employee utilisation percentages with colour coding or filtering, to identify potential problem areas.



PROJ13 — Employee Listing

proj13Key employee master file data.



PROJ14 — Timesheet Details

proj14Detailed or summary view of entered timesheets, with options for layouts and date ranges.



PROJ15 - Basic Employee Listing

proj15Key employee master file data, excluding pay data.


Purchase Orders
Report name Description Released Super- seded

PO02 — Purchase Orders

po02Information about purchase orders, their status, value, and date ranges. Used for reconciling purchases with shipments and invoices.



PO03 — Shipment Costs

Breakdown of all shipment costs, including details of all related purchase orders.

Optional filters for purchase order and shipment status, supplier, and warehouse.


Report name Description Released Super- seded

RENTAL02 — Billing History

rental02Invoices raised to rental contracts within selected date ranges by branch and customer account.



RENTAL03 — Contract Due to Expire

rental03All contracts expiring within and beyond three selected expiry dates, by branch, rental group, and customer account.



RENTAL04 —Contract Line Detail

rental04All contract line details, including contract and line status, invoiced to date values, and in and out dates, by branch, rental group, and customer account.



RENTAL05 — Contract Summary

rental05Invoiced value of contracts within selected ranges of start and end dates and invoiced-to dates, by branch, rental group, and customer account.



RENTAL06 — Fleet Utilisation

rental06Line status (for example, active, hired, returned) counts for line type A (Assets) for each location and asset group, in crosstab summary view.



RENTAL07 — Equipment Utilisation

rental07All active rental equipment, whether hired or not, within a selected date range.

Includes details of any rental activities during the period including customer, contract number, date out and date in.

Also includes a utilisation percentage based on the number of days rented as a percentage of the available rental days.


Resource Management
Report name Description Released Super- seded

RM01 — Resource Management KPIQuantifiable measurements, agreed to beforehand, that reflect the critical success factors (of the company, department, project, individual). Analysis

All Resource Management KPI metrics for a selected snapshot based on the selected drill path and period.



RM02 —Resource Utilisation

Utilisation of resource by location, profile hours, and attributeIn reports, attributes (or fields) are used to constrain and group data when performing queries. Attributes are additional information included with a dimension that is not used in defining the levels of the dimension. Dimensions become more useful when there are many descriptive attributes that can be used for analysing the data. In analytics, attributes (sometimes referred to as fields) are used to add additional and/or complementary information to a member when performing queries. Attributes are additional information included with a member that is not used in defining the levels of the dimension. Members become more useful when there are many descriptive attributes that can be used for analysing the data. group.



RM03 — Resource Roster

Resource rosters by position group, position, resource status, resource code, and date or period.


Report name Description Released Super- seded

RETAIL02 — Cash Drawer Transaction List

retail02All drawer transactions within a selected date range, including drillbacks to customer and sales order, by store and cash drawer.


730.2 by RETAIL10

RETAIL03 — Layby Locations by Pickup Date

retail03All laybys due for pickup within a selected date range, by pickup date.


730.2 by RETAIL13

RETAIL04 — Laybys

retail04Laybys within selected order and expiry date ranges, including total payments to date, and outstanding amounts.


730.2 by RETAIL13

RETAIL05 — Rep Sales Shipped Statistics

retail05Shipped values including GP $ and GP %, for a selected order date range, by sales rep and line UOM.


730.2 by RETAIL09

RETAIL06 — Store Daily Sales

retail06Value and GP %, for selected day, plus week, month and year to date values, by warehouse and product group.



RETAIL07 — Store Sales Shipped Statistics

retail07Shipped values including GP $ and GP % for a selected order date range, by warehouse group, warehouse, and line UOM.


730.2 by RETAIL09

RETAIL08 — Tender Tracking

retail08Outstanding values of advanced tender types (typically gift vouchers), up to a selected expiry date.



RETAIL09 — Shipped Statistics

Statistics for shipped items by rep or warehouse.



RETAIL10 — Cash Drawer Reconciliation

Cash drawer reconciliation report for a selected transaction period, by store, and cash drawer.



RETAIL11 — Price Change

All price changes within a selected data range, by warehouse and rep.



RETAIL12 — Sales by Store By Lane (excl Kits)

POS sales for a selected period, by store and lane. This excludes kit sales.

Available in detailed or summary list view.



RETAIL13 — Laybys

All laybys within specified order, pick up, and expiry date ranges, by order rep, order warehouse, and customer.

Includes drillbacks to order number and account number details.


Report name Description Released Super- seded

SALE02 — Sales Analysis

sale02Value, quantity, and GP $ or GP %, by customer, invoice rep, product group, invoice territory, or warehouse for the selected time frame (periods, weeks, or days).

Available in summary or detail mode and a summary crosstab view with optional drillthrough.



SALE03 — Sales

sale03Quantity, cost, value, GP $ or GP %, by selected filters in summary or detail by customer, customer rep, customer warehouse, customer territory, invoice rep, order territory, order warehouse, item code or product group.



SALE04 — Invoice by Style Colour Size

sale04Quantity, value & GP% by size code for territory, warehouse, product group, and style & colour.

Specifically used for reporting style colour size sales.


Sales Orders
Report name Description Released Super- seded

SO02 — Sales Orders

s002Sales orders by customer, order warehouse, order rep, order, and product group or order territory.


Report name Description Released Super- seded

SRV02 — Annual Service Centre Value by Contract Type

srv02Contract values with a row for each service centre and a columns for each contract type, in crosstab summary view.



SRV03 — Engineer Utilisation Details

srv03Actual, travel, and billable hours, by service centre and engineer, within selected call attended and call completed dates.



SRV04 — Performance by Period

srv04Actual and billable hours for selected service centres and years, as crosstab summary.



SRV05 — Service Contract Review

srv05Contracts by service centre and customer within selected start and end and contract review date ranges.



SRV06 — Service Engineer Productivity

srv06Analysis of actual time versus billable time, and travel time versus billable travel time.



SRV07 — Service Engineer Transactions

srv07Analysis of service engineer times that have been entered in against a service call.



SRV08 — Contract SLA Compliance

srv08Analysis of compliance to the customer service level agreements (SLA).


Warehouse Management System
Report name Description Released Super- seded

WMS02 — Bin Location Pick Lists

wms02Picking details by selected warehouse within a selected range of invoice dates.
