PAY08 — Employee Years of Service

Operational Reports > Payroll

Who would use this report?

Payroll office and finance staff

What is in this report?

pay08Employees' years of service report, to aid assessment of long service leave (LSL) liability.

How do I use it?

Sort options:

FiltersSelectively remove data from view. include:

  • Show Terminated Employees? — specify whether to report on current, terminated, or all employees

  • Years of Service equal to or greater than — enter the minimum whole years of service to display

Other filters include Payroll Number, Category, and State.

What can I do in the report?

You can sort by commencement date or employee.

You can filter by Category, Payroll Number, and State.

Right-click any of the drill-down links and select Open link in new tab to view the data in Pronto Xi.