PROJ12 — Labour Utilisation

Operational Reports > Project

Who would use this report?

Project managers and operational staff

What is in this report?

proj12Comparison of entered timesheets to expected worked hours, and returns employee utilisation percentages with colour coding or filteringSelectively remove data from view., to identify potential problem areas.

The Expected Hours value is only displayed in the report when the Sort By is Employee. The value is calculated as follows:

  • Base Normal Hours * Total Working Days

  • Base Normal Hours are per day, and calculated based on the employee’s Normal Working Hours and pay frequency

    For example if an employee has normal working hours of 38 and the pay frequency is weekly then the Base Normal Hours is 38/5 = 7.6. If the pay frequency is fortnightly then denominator is 10, or if the frequency is monthly then the denominator is 21.666667.

  • Total Working Days is the count of days in the date range selected for the report that are week days

    For the purposes of this report a week day is Monday to Friday.

Employee Utilisation % = Total Hours for Employee/Expected Hours.

This version of the report does not take the employee start date into consideration when determining available hours within a selected time frame.

How do I use it?

Select Summary or Detail to view the summary or detail version of the report.

Sort options:

Filters include:

Other project master related filters include Project Manager, Project Branch, or Parent Project Manager and Parent Project Branch.

What can I do in the report?

Select Summary or Detail to view the summary or detail version of the report.

You can sort by sort by employee, department, project, parent project, project manager, cost centre, or work category.

You can filter by Expected Hours % Threshold, Threshold applies above/below Expected Hours %, and Apply Threshold as a Filter.

Right-click any of the drill-down links and select Open link in new tab to view the data in Pronto Xi.