PROJ08 — Project Month Analysis

Operational Reports > Project

Who would use this report?

Project managers and senior management

What is in this report?

proj08Actual and budget to cost category type and cost category levels.

Values are broken down by month, according to a selected range of months, and presented in crosstab format for easy period comparison.

How do I use it?

Sort options:

FiltersSelectively remove data from view. include:

Other available project master related filters include Project Manager, Project Status, Branch, Job Type, Project Type, Nature Type, Market Type, and Work Type.

Other non-project master related filters include Cost Category and Cost Category Type.

What can I do in the report?

You can sort by project, parent project, branch, project manager, and customer.

Right-click any of the drill-down links and select Open link in new tab to viewA set of data connected to a cube, deliberately laid out to communicate business information. the data in Pronto Xi.