SO02 — Sales Orders

Operational Reports > Sales Orders

Who would use this report?

Sales and finance staff

What is in this report?

s002Sales orders by customer, order warehouse, order rep, order, and product groupIn security, a list of users or other groups that can be used to assign access permissions and capabilities. Groups can be referenced from other authentication sources or can be local to Pronto Xi Business Intelligence. Local groups are managed from BI Administration. The list of groups that an authentication user is a member of is part of the user's passport for an Pronto Xi Business Intelligence session. In reporting, grouping is the action of organising common values of query item together and only displaying the value once. Headers and footers often appear after each instance of a common value in a grouped column or order territory.

How do I use it?

Select Summary or Detail to viewA set of data connected to a cube, deliberately laid out to communicate business information. the summary or detail version of the reportA set of data deliberately laid out to communicate business information. Depending on the context, 'report' may refer to report specification or report output. Report (more precisely, report specification) is the generic term for the objects created or edited in Cognos Analytics. Pronto Xi Business Intelligence offers a suite of standard reports..

Sort options:

FiltersSelectively remove data from view. include:

  • Customer — search by customer code, customer keyword, or customer code range
  • Item Code — search by item code, item keyword or the item code or item code range

Other filters include Status Selection (grouped on like status codes), Order Status (individual selections), Order Number (search or direct entry), Territory, Rep, Currency, Warehouse, Order Date, Expected Delivery Date Selection, Actual Delivery Date Selection, and Processing Date Selection.

What can I do in the report?

You can sort by customer, order warehouse, order rep, order, product group, and order territory.

You can filter by Status Selection.

Right-click any of the drill-down links and select Open link in new tab to view the data in Pronto Xi.