AP04 — Payment Commitments by Supplier

Operational Reports > Accounts Payable

Who would use this report?

Finance and accounts receivable staff

What is in this report?

ap04Forecast of future payable amounts based upon due date in selectable buckets, to assist cash flow forecasting.

How do I use it?

Select Summary or Detail to viewA set of data connected to a cube, deliberately laid out to communicate business information. the summary or detail version of the reportA set of data deliberately laid out to communicate business information. Depending on the context, 'report' may refer to report specification or report output. Report (more precisely, report specification) is the generic term for the objects created or edited in Cognos Analytics. Pronto Xi Business Intelligence offers a suite of standard reports..

FiltersSelectively remove data from view. include:

  • Approval Required — filter on whether or not to show amounts awaiting approval

  • Payment Approved — filter in or out retention amounts

  • Show Foreign Values — display or hide the currency column and the foreign value column

  • Report Format — show or hide the actual value and terms discount columns; the net value columns are always displayed

  • Supplier Balance Selection — enter a range to filter the balance owing to the suppliers otherwise selected

  • Supplier — search by supplier code, keyword, or supplier code range

  • Payment Break Type — select whether to include all pay dates due before the break date or include all pay dates due before the next break date

  • 1st Break Date — specify the first break date at which to split the supplier invoices into a future bucket

  • 2nd Break Date — specify the second break date at which to split the supplier invoices into a future bucket

  • 3rd Break Date — specify the third break date at which to split the supplier invoices into a future bucket

  • Print if Beyond — specify whether or not to display the supplier invoices if they are dated after the third break date

Other filters include Supplier Type, Supplier Group, Payment Selection, Payment Type, and Currency.

What can I do in the report?

Select Summary or Detail to view the summary or detail version of the report.

You can filter by the three break dates, Payments Break Type, and Report Format.

Right-click any of the drill-down links and select Open link in new tab to view the data in Pronto Xi.