Business Dashboards

A number of preconfigured, standard Business DashboardA basic dashboard, available for several modules, that is included in Pronto Xi Business Intelligence. It typically presents key metrics and charts against current, year-to-date, and period-to-date data.s are included within the Operational reports series. You can also access these dashboards directly from the Pronto Xi menu as standard functions.

Business Dashboards provide information to assist businesses to monitor and manage key performance measures. These Business Dashboards can clearly and concisely communicate key strategic goals to all employees across an organisation and can help align goals across the organisation.

The Emissions namespaceNamespaces uniquely identify query items, query subjects, and so on. You import different databases into separate namespaces to avoid duplicate names. has been retired for 750.0.

Dashboard Measurement

AP01 - Accounts Payable

Aged Payables $

Aged Payables %

Account Payable Days

Unsettled Invoices Amount

Unsettled Invoices Count

Supplier Invoices Overdue %

AR01 - Accounts Receivable

Aged Receivables $

Accounts Receivable Days

Customers on No Supply

Invoices Overdue %

Outstanding Amount

CRM01 - Customer Relationship Management

Number of Quotes

Value of Quotes in the Pipeline

Number of Leads

Number of Opportunities

Leads Pipeline

Opportunity Count - Top Reps by Factored Amount

Lead Count - Top Reps By Factored Amount

INV01 - Inventory

Inventory Ageing

Use By Date Ageing

Inventory Turnover

Value Under Minimum

Value Over Maximum

Items Under Minimum

Items Over Maximum

PROJ01 - Project

Project profit, income and costs per year

Unpaid claims

Claims to be submitted

Claims to be certified

In progress cost to complete by branch

In progress projectIn Framework Manager, a set of models, packages, and related information for administration, and for sharing model information.In Metric Studio, a project is a task or set of tasks undertaken by a team and monitored on a scorecard. A project tracks the dates, resources and status of the project.In Metric Designer, a project is a group of extracts. Each extract contains the metadata that is used to populate the Metric Studio data store or to create applications. count, total contract amount by project type

SALE01 - Sales

Period Sales vs Budget

Top 10 Customers

Top 10 Territories

Year to Date Average Sale & Gross Profit

Year to Date Sales vs Budget

Current Period Sales vs Budget

Year to Date Sales vs Budget

SRV01 - Service

Contracts Due for Renewal in the Next 30 Days

Unallocated Calls for the Day

Unallocated Calls for the Day %

Outstanding Calls

Current Call Counts by Active Status

Number of Overdue Unallocated Calls by Call Service Centres