Accounts Payable widgets

Several sets of widgets are available in your Accounts Payable Analytics Dashboard folder that you can drag and drop on to your Analytics Dashboards.

In order for you to access each Analytics Dashboard, your company must be licensed to use it and you must be assigned to the capabilityA group of functions and features that can be hidden or revealed to simplify the user interface. Capabilities can be enabled or disabled by changing preference settings, or they can be controlled through an administration interface. for the Analytics Dashboard. See your BI administrator for access.

The Accounts Payable Analytics Dashboard is located in Analytics Dashboards > Accounts Payable > Dashboards.

The Accounts Payable widgets are located in Analytics Dashboards > Accounts Payable > Widgets, in the following folders:

Analytics Dashboard

This folder contains some of the key KPIQuantifiable measurements, agreed to beforehand, that reflect the critical success factors (of the company, department, project, individual). widgets to help you create your Analytics Dashboard:

In addition, you can add the Title & Help widgetDashboards: Objects added from the Content pane to the dashboard are displayed in widgets. Widgets are containers that allow you to interact with and manipulate the content contained within them. to your dashboardA web page that can contain one or more widgets that graphically represent business data. to provide a title widget and a link to dashboard help.

Aged Payable $ - Bar Chart

This graph represents the dollar value of outstanding invoices by individual ageing groupIn security, a list of users or other groups that can be used to assign access permissions and capabilities. Groups can be referenced from other authentication sources or can be local to Pronto Xi Business Intelligence. Local groups are managed from BI Administration. The list of groups that an authentication user is a member of is part of the user's passport for an Pronto Xi Business Intelligence session. In reporting, grouping is the action of organising common values of query item together and only displaying the value once. Headers and footers often appear after each instance of a common value in a grouped column.

Aged Payable % - Pie Chart

This graph represents the dollar value of outstanding invoices in each ageing period as a percentage of the total outstanding invoice value.

Accounts Payable Days - Graph

This graph plots average monthly Accounts Payable days for the current and previous years.

Effect on Working Capital from a reduction in AR Days

This datagrid models the effect on your working capital when reducing the Accounts Receivable days by a given number of days.

Accounts Payable Days

The accounts payable days widget displays on average how many days it takes the business to pay its debts to its creditors.

Unsettled Invoice Amount

This widget displays the total value of all unsettled invoices by dollar amount.

Unsettled Invoice Count

This widget displays the total number of unsettled invoices.

Overdue Invoice Amount

This widget displays the percentage of overdue Supplier invoices.

Overdue Invoice Count

This widget displays the total value of all unsettled invoices by dollar amount.

Discount Available

This widget displays the total dollar value of available settlement discounts currently offered by suppliers.

Average Payment Terms

This widget displays on average, how many days creditors are offering on invoices before they become due.

Detail - Accounts Payable Days

The following crosstab and chart widgets are available that display Accounts Payable Days as a total and per month by:

Type Chart type Widget name



Accounts Payable Days By Period

supplier group


Accounts Payable Days By Supplier Group

supplier status


Accounts Payable Days By Supplier Status

supplier type


Accounts Payable Days By Supplier Type

supplier discount


Accounts Payable Days By Supplier Discount

reporting supplier hierarchyIn Analytics Dashboards, regular dimensions contain descriptive and business key information and this information is organised into a hierarchy; from it's highest level of granularity, to its lowest. The hierarchy contains multiple levels. For example, a hierarchy that has three levels such as "All Products", "Product Group", and "Products".


Accounts Payable Days By Reporting Supplier Hierarchy

reporting supplier hierarchy n


Accounts Payable Days By Reporting Supplier Hierarchy n

Detail - Aged Payables

The following crosstab and chart widgets are available that display value and percentage figures for Aged Payables Total, Current, 30 Days, 60 Days, and 90+ Days, by:

Type Chart type Widget name



Aged Payables By Period

supplier group


Aged Payables By Supplier Group

supplier status


Aged Payables By Supplier Status

supplier type


Aged Payables By Supplier Type

supplier discount


Aged Payables By Supplier Discount

reporting supplier hierarchy


Aged Payables By Reporting Supplier Hierarchy

reporting supplier hierarchy n


Aged Payables By Reporting Supplier Hierarchy n

Detail - Average Terms

The following crosstab and chart widgets are available that display Average Supplier Terms for the period and Average Supplier Terms per month against:

Type Chart type Widget name



Average Supplier Terms By Period

supplier group


Average Supplier Terms By Supplier Group

supplier status


Average Supplier Terms By Supplier Status

supplier type


Average Supplier Terms By Supplier Type

supplier discount


Average Supplier Terms By Supplier Discount

reporting supplier hierarchy


Average Supplier Terms By Reporting Supplier Hierarchy

reporting supplier hierarchy n


Average Supplier Terms By Reporting Supplier Hierarchy n

Detail - Overdue Purchase Orders

The following crosstab and chart widgets are available that display that display Total Overdue Amount, Total Overdue Count, Current Overdue Count, Current Overdue %, and the 30, 60, 90+ days overdue counts and percentages against:

Type Chart type Widget name



Overdue Amount By Period

supplier group


Overdue Purchase Orders By Supplier Group

supplier status


Overdue Purchase Orders By Supplier Status

supplier type


Overdue Purchase Orders By Supplier Type

supplier discount


Overdue Purchase Orders By Supplier Discount

reporting supplier hierarchy


Overdue Purchase Orders By Reporting Supplier Hierarchy

reporting supplier hierarchy n


Overdue Purchase Orders By Reporting Supplier Hierarchy n

Detail - Settlement Discounts Available

The following tableAn object that is made up of rows and columns and stores the data in an RDBMS. widgets are available that display Settlement Discounts Available for the next ten days against:

Type Chart type Widget name

settlement discount available


Settlement Discounts Available - Next Ten Days

invoices payable to qualify for discount available


Invoices payable to Qualify for Discount Available - Next Ten Days

table of invoices payable & discount available


Table of Invoices Payable & Discount Available for Next 10 Days

Detail - Unsettled Purchase Invoices

The following crosstab and chart widgets are available that display Total, Total Overdue Count, Current, Current Overdue Count, and the 30, 60, 90+ days overdue values and counts against:

Type Chart type Widget name



Unsettled Purchase Invoices By Period

supplier group


Unsettled Purchase Invoices By Supplier Group

supplier status


Unsettled Purchase Invoices By Supplier Status

supplier type


Unsettled Purchase Invoices By Supplier Type

supplier discount


Unsettled Purchase Invoices By Supplier Discount

reporting supplier hierarchy


Unsettled Purchase Invoices By Reporting Supplier Hierarchy

reporting supplier hierarchy n


Unsettled Purchase Invoices By Reporting Supplier Hierarchy n