Sales Business Dashboard

Master Reports > Sales

The Sales Business DashboardA basic dashboard, available for several modules, that is included in Pronto Xi Business Intelligence. It typically presents key metrics and charts against current, year-to-date, and period-to-date data. contains the following widgets:

Widget name Definition

Period Sales vs Budget

This graph compares current year sales with current year budget.

Value of Quotes in the Pipeline

This widgetDashboards: Objects added from the Content pane to the dashboard are displayed in widgets. Widgets are containers that allow you to interact with and manipulate the content contained within them. contains the average year-to-date Sales value and its Gross Profit %.

Average sale represents the dollar value of the average sale for the year to date. Average sales is a useful KPIQuantifiable measurements, agreed to beforehand, that reflect the critical success factors (of the company, department, project, individual). which can be used to drive incremental sales. Small increases in the average sale value on a high volume can add considerable revenue to a organisation.

Gross Profit % shows gross profit as a percentage of sales and can be used to show if the business is making a sufficient gross profit to sustain operations

Current Period Sales vs Budget

This widget provides a variance percentage of period sales against period budget. This essentially indicates how a business is performing compared to budget.

Year to Date Sales vs Budget

This widget contains the year-to-date sale value $, the year-to-date budget and the variance.

This compares current year to date sales against the current year to date budget and provides a variance percentage. This indicates how a business is performing compared to budget.

Top 10 Customers

This widget displays the Top 10 Customers by sales value. The red line indicates gross profit from each customer.

Top 10 Territory

This widget displays the Top 10 Territories by sales value. The red line indicates the gross profit from each territory.

Top 10 Items

This widget is available for custom dashboards.

This widget displays the Top 10 Items by sales value. The red line indicates the gross profit from each item.