Service Business Dashboard

Master Reports > Service

The Service Business DashboardA basic dashboard, available for several modules, that is included in Pronto Xi Business Intelligence. It typically presents key metrics and charts against current, year-to-date, and period-to-date data. contains the following widgets:

Widget name Definition

Contracts due for renewal in next 30 days

This widgetDashboards: Objects added from the Content pane to the dashboard are displayed in widgets. Widgets are containers that allow you to interact with and manipulate the content contained within them. displays the count of all contacts currently due for renewal and coming up for renewal in the next 30 days.

Unallocated Calls for the Day

This widget displays the total count of unallocated calls for today.

Unallocated Calls for the Day %

This widget displays the total of unallocated calls as a percentage of all calls for the day.

Outstanding Calls

This widget displays the total outstanding call count. This widget includes all current calls except Finished and Cancelled calls.

Current Call Counts By Active Status

This widget displays the counts of each call status for all active calls except Finished and Cancelled calls.

Overdue Unallocated Calls By Service Centre

This widget displays the counts of overdue and unallocated calls by service centre.

Call Counts By Call Types By Service Centres

This widget is available for custom dashboards.

This widget displays the counts of calls by call types by service centres.

Contract Counts By Contract Types By Contract Service Centres

This widget is available for custom dashboards.

This widget displays the count of contracts by contract types by each contract service centre.

Contract Counts By Contract Status By Contract Service Centres

This widget is available for custom dashboards.

This widget displays the count of contracts by contract status of each contract service centre.