Accounts Receivable Business Dashboard

Master Reports > Accounts Payable

The Accounts Receivable Business DashboardA basic dashboard, available for several modules, that is included in Pronto Xi Business Intelligence. It typically presents key metrics and charts against current, year-to-date, and period-to-date data. contains the following widgets:

Widget name Definition

Customers on Credit Hold

This widgetDashboards: Objects added from the Content pane to the dashboard are displayed in widgets. Widgets are containers that allow you to interact with and manipulate the content contained within them. displays the total number of customers on credit hold.

Placing customers on credit hold is an unfortunate but sometimes necessary aspect of managing Accounts Receivable. It can negatively impact relationships with your customers and reduce potential sales. Placing customers on credit hold is typically used when other methods of recovering debt are exhausted.

Knowing how many customers are on credit hold provides insight into the adequacy and performance of your business' credit policies and collection procedures.

Accounts Receivable Days

This widget displays the average period of time it takes for your business to be paid by your Customers. This metricA measure used to assess performance in a key area of a business. can be used to indicate the current position of the Accounts Receivable function. Accounts Receivable Days is an excellent metric to help your business control this driver of cash flow.

Excessively high Accounts Receivable days can indicate collection problems and can place significant pressure on cash flow. Excessively low AR days can indicate overly-strict credit policies that can restrict higher sales revenue.

Invoices Overdue %

This widget displays the total percentage of overdue invoices.

The percentage of invoices overdue indicates the proportion of invoices (by number rather than value) past their due date. Customers should be making payment by an invoice’s due date, and invoices past due are typically considered delinquent. By managing the percentage of overdue invoices, you can significantly affect the timing of cash in-flow into your business.

While most businesses will have a certain percentage of overdue invoices, this metric can identify sub-optimal levels.

Aged Receivables $ - Column Chart

This bar chart provides a visual representation of the ageing of Accounts Receivable. Calculated from each invoice’s due date, it displays the total dollar amount owed for each ageing period.

Accounts receivable is a major indicator of the cash flow of your business. As Accounts Receivable age it becomes increasing less likely that payment will be received for those outstanding invoices.

Overall it provides a viewA set of data connected to a cube, deliberately laid out to communicate business information. of your business position with Accounts Receivable and can provide an early warning of any developing issues requiring further investigation.

Aged Receivables % - Pie Chart

This pie chart shows the relative size of each ageing period as a percentage (%) of the entire Accounts Receivable owing. By displaying each ageing period as a part of a pie we can setA selection of members in a dimension and monitor specific goals around the Accounts Receivable function. As debt ages it is increasingly less likely that the debt will be successfully collected. It is prudent to set specific measures for the relative age of Account Receivable. This pie chart facilitates such measures and helps drive specific outcomes.

“Let’s get the 90 days+ receivables down to 20% and maintain it there” is the type of action this metric will facilitate.

This graph represents the dollar value of outstanding invoices in each ageing period as a percentage of the total outstanding invoice value.