Inventory Business Dashboard

Master Reports > Inventory

The Inventory Business DashboardA basic dashboard, available for several modules, that is included in Pronto Xi Business Intelligence. It typically presents key metrics and charts against current, year-to-date, and period-to-date data. contains the following widgets:

Widget name Definition

Inventory Ageing

This widgetDashboards: Objects added from the Content pane to the dashboard are displayed in widgets. Widgets are containers that allow you to interact with and manipulate the content contained within them. displays the relative age of the inventory value on hand.

Use By Date Ageing

This widget displays the value of inventory on hand which is subject to a limited usable life, broken into expiry date ranges.

Inventory Turnover

This widget displays the number of times inventory is sold or used in a year.

Value Under Minimum

This widget displays the value of inventory required to bring stock levels up to their safety levelIn a hierarchy, a level indicates a group of common or related members. For example, in a Time level, members may include Year, Month, Day or Fiscal Year, Calendar Year, etc..

Value Over Maximum

This widget displays the value of inventory where stock levels exceed optimum.

Items Under Minimum

This widget displays the total number of instances where safety stock levels are not currently met.

Items Over Maximum

This widget displays the total number of instances where stock levels exceed optimum.

The following widgets are also available for use in custom dashboards:

  • Item Count

  • Inventory Value

  • Safety Inventory Value

  • Obsolete Inventory Value

  • Use By Date Inventory Value

  • On Consignment Value

  • Consignment On Hand Value

  • Active Item Value

  • Active Item Count

  • InActive Item Value

  • InActive Item Count

  • Inventory Ageing Details

  • Use By Date Ageing Details