About KPI drill paths

The drill paths for each KPIQuantifiable measurements, agreed to beforehand, that reflect the critical success factors (of the company, department, project, individual). metricA measure used to assess performance in a key area of a business. allow you to specify each levelIn a hierarchy, a level indicates a group of common or related members. For example, in a Time level, members may include Year, Month, Day or Fiscal Year, Calendar Year, etc. of data you want to be able to drill downThe act of navigating from one level of data to a more detailed level. The levels are set by the structure of the data. See also drill up. to and reportA set of data deliberately laid out to communicate business information. Depending on the context, 'report' may refer to report specification or report output. Report (more precisely, report specification) is the generic term for the objects created or edited in Cognos Analytics. Pronto Xi Business Intelligence offers a suite of standard reports. on.

By default, each KPI metric includes a number of predefined drill paths, based on what you might need to report on, and you can both modify these drill paths and create additional ones, of up to ten levels, to suit your requirements.

You should, however, take into consideration the data storage implications for each active drill path that you will run as part of each KPI. You cannot remove or edit the default drill paths, however you can turn them off, so they are not calculated with the KPI and do not add any data volume.

To save some time and effort setting things up, the KPI Library looks at things such as the master chart structure, or specific code tables, such as territory and item groupIn security, a list of users or other groups that can be used to assign access permissions and capabilities. Groups can be referenced from other authentication sources or can be local to Pronto Xi Business Intelligence. Local groups are managed from BI Administration. The list of groups that an authentication user is a member of is part of the user's passport for an Pronto Xi Business Intelligence session. In reporting, grouping is the action of organising common values of query item together and only displaying the value once. Headers and footers often appear after each instance of a common value in a grouped column, and automatically creates drill paths for you.