For BI Administrators

Business Intelligence advisory

Patch for TLS1.2 support for Microsoft Office 365

For customers on Microsoft Windows Business IntelligenceBusiness Intelligence, often referred to as BI, refers to the skills, processes, technologies, applications and practices used to support decision making. This is also the name of the Pronto Xi BI module. versions 10.1.1 and 10.2.1, you might need to apply a patch to enable TLS 1.2 in order to allow Microsoft Office 365 to continue to work after Microsoft discontinues support.

For information about the Microsoft support, see

To check whether your installation can accept TLS 1.2 connections, run one of the following commands (change port if required):

curl --tlsv1.2 --verbose -k


openssl s_client -connect -tls1_2

Starting with the 2016 first quarter security updates and 10.2.2 FP5, the setup will no longer update the OPENSSL version in the cmplst.txt file. In order to correctly determine which version of OPENSSL is installed, check the openssl-xxxx-app.ver file in the <install root>\vers folder. This design change was made to accommodate the move from OPENSSL version 0.9 to 1.0.

If your installation is not compatible, it is recommended that you apply the following fix packs as instructed as soon as practicable.

Download the required fix packs. For 10.2.2 versions you will need to download both fix pack 13 and 15 and install them one at a time.

Some browsers might change the downloaded file type from .tar.gz to a file type not recognised by the operating system. To correct this, change the file type back to tar.gz. Use of Download Director will prevent inadvertent renaming of files at download.

Installation instructions for Microsoft Windows:

  1. Change to the directory on which you have copied the downloaded interim fix.

  2. Using your file compress and decompress utility, decompress the .tar.gz file.

    If you are using WinZip, select the option Use folder names.

    If you want to see the version of a component before you install it, unpack the tar file to disk, or read the tableAn object that is made up of rows and columns and stores the data in an RDBMS. of contents of the tar file.

  3. Using your file compress and decompress utility, decompress the .tar.gz file.

    If you are using WinZip, select the option Use folder names.

  4. Follow the installation instructions in the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Installation and Configuration Guide.

  5. For 10.2.2 versions, repeat the above for both Interim Fixes 13 then 15.

  6. Repeat for all installations.