For BI Administrators

Business Intelligence advisory

General Ledger security bypass

Report authors and analysts who run and view General Ledger Business IntelligenceBusiness Intelligence, often referred to as BI, refers to the skills, processes, technologies, applications and practices used to support decision making. This is also the name of the Pronto Xi BI module. reports might be significantly slowed if they also have Pronto Xi General Ledger masking applied. There is now a way that you can manually override this masking for selected users.

For new or upgrading installations of Business Intelligence version 750, the MaskGL session parameter has been automatically added and configured in Pronto Xi.

For all Business Intelligence versions in 730 and 740, you will additionally need to add and configure the MaskGL session parameter in Pronto Xi.

If you need to allow a selected userA person accessing a Pronto Xi Business Intelligence application. to bypass the General Ledger masking, you need to setA selection of members in a dimension the Value field to 0 and the Override Flag field to 0.

  1. Select Administration > Reporting Server Administration > Users Authentication (SYS M167).

  2. Select the user you want then click Session Parameters.

    The Session Parameters screen is displayed.

  3. Locate the MaskGL entry for the company in which to grant the user access.

  4. Click Correct.

  5. Specify the following:

    • Valuespecify:

      • 0bypass General Ledger masking

      • 1(default) apply General Ledger masking

    • Override Flagenter

      • 0(default) obey the Value field value

      • 1do not obey the Value field value

  6. Click OK.