For BI authors

Business Intelligence advisory

New General Ledger tagging model

For customers on Business IntelligenceBusiness Intelligence, often referred to as BI, refers to the skills, processes, technologies, applications and practices used to support decision making. This is also the name of the Pronto Xi BI module. version 750, note that General Ledger tagging has been modelled and added to the General Ledger packageA subset of data objects for a project. It is typically a sub-set of a model (or can be the entire model) and is specifically created for publishing to the Pronto Xi Business Intelligence server. Packages provide data, modelled simply for end-users, for creating reports, analyses, and ad hoc queries. Within Pronto Xi Business Intelligence we have two distinct types of packages, with different content and purpose: Reporting packages Analytics packages under the relational and analytics areas.

This change has been made to allow reportA set of data deliberately laid out to communicate business information. Depending on the context, 'report' may refer to report specification or report output. Report (more precisely, report specification) is the generic term for the objects created or edited in Cognos Analytics. Pronto Xi Business Intelligence offers a suite of standard reports. authors to create reports based on the new General Ledger tagging functionality in Pronto Xi, which you can access by selecting General Ledger > GL Transactions > GL Transaction Tagging (GL X068). For more information, see the Pronto Xi help.

The modelA model is the set of related dimensions, query subjects, and other objects required for one or more related reporting applications. In Pronto Xi Business Intelligence, a design model is created and maintained in Framework Manager. The Framework Manager model is a metadata layer that adds value to a data source in several ways. Most importantly, it provides a business view of the information in the source data to simplify building reports, analyses, and queries. include both transaction and budget facts.