Running the Pronto Xi package and field tools

These tools are available from Business Intelligence version 700.3.

When designing reports and dashboards using Pronto Xi Business Intelligence packages you might need to identify a field's reporting packageA subset of data objects for a project. It is typically a sub-set of a model (or can be the entire model) and is specifically created for publishing to the Pronto Xi Business Intelligence server. Packages provide data, modelled simply for end-users, for creating reports, analyses, and ad hoc queries. Within Pronto Xi Business Intelligence we have two distinct types of packages, with different content and purpose: Reporting packages Analytics packages and namespaceNamespaces uniquely identify query items, query subjects, and so on. You import different databases into separate namespaces to avoid duplicate names. or see all the information about a specific package.

To meet these needs, the following two reports are available in the Team content > Tools > Package Information directory.