Master reports

The master reports are a series of reports provided as standard from version 700, across each of the Pronto Xi Business Intelligence module families.

Module Report name

Accounts Payable

Aged Trial Balance By Supplier

Aged Trial Balance by Supplier Type

Foreign Currency Exposure

Payment Commitment by Supplier

Retrospective Aged Trial Balance By Invoice Date

Retrospective Aged Trial Balance By Pay By Date

Transactions by Supplier

Accounts Receivable

Aged Trial Balance by Customer

Aged Trial Balance by Customer Territory

Retrospective Aged Trial Balance By Invoice Date

Retrospective Aged Trial Balance By Due Date

Transactions by Customer

Transactions by Customer Territory

Transactions by Invoice

Advanced Forecasting

710.0 Advanced Forecasting Territory

710.0 Advanced Forecasting Warehouse


Campaign Statistics

Campaign Transaction Statistics

Opportunities by Rep

Leads by Rep

Fixed Assets

Existing reports replaced in 720.0.

720.0 Acquisition

720.0 Activity

720.0 Disposal

720.0 Reconciliation

General Ledger

710.0 Basic Balance Sheet

710.0 Basic Profit & Loss

Expense Analysis for Assets Expense

Expense Analysis for Entertainment Expense

Expense Analysis for Motor Vehicle Expense

Expense Analysis for Other Expense

700.4 Projected Cash Flow

Transactions by Account

Transactions by Reference

700.4 Trial Balance


List by Item Code

On Hand by Style Colour Size

Price Margin Tracking by Item code

Status by Item Code

Stocktake Uncounted Items

Stocktake Variation & Valuation

Transactions by Item Code

Valuation by Item Code

Maintenance Management

700.4 Plant Items by Cost


MRP Exceptions

Work Order Status

700.4 Availability/Shortage

700.4 Work Order Production Costing

700.4 Work Centre Scheduling


Earning Analysis by Category Code

Earnings List by Category Code

Leave Liability

Overtime Analysis

Overtime Analysis Detail

700.4 PAYG Payable

PAYG Reconciliation

Payroll Tax by Payroll Number

Payroll Tax by State

Superannuation History

Superannuation Remittance

Purchase Orders

Order Detail

Order Summary

710.0 Shipment Costing


Parent Project Summary

Transactions by Branch

Project Detail


Cash Drawer Transaction List

Layby Locations by Pickup Date


Rep Sales Shipped Statistics

Store Daily Sales

Store Sales Shipped Statistics

Tender Tracking


Invoice by Customer

Invoice by Customer Territory

Invoice by Invoice Territory

Invoice By Style Colour Size

Invoice Rep Sales by Period

Invoice Territory Sales by Period

Item by Product Group by Period

Product Group by Period

Sales and Profit by Product Group

Sales Orders

Order Summary

Order Line Detail

700.5 Order Fill Analysis by Customer

700.5 Order Fill Analysis by Order


Annual Service Centre Value by Contract Type

Engineer Utilisation Details

Performance by Period

Service Contract Review

Warehouse Management System

Bin Location Pick Lists

710.0 Rental Contracts

Billing History

Contract Due to Expire

Contract Line Detail

Contract Summary

Fleet Utilisation